Our Company

We are on a mission to serve safety net clinics

Our Vision


Alchemy is the culmination of everything we have worked on and dedicated ourselves to throughout our careers, and its mission is woven into the fabric of our lives and why we do what we do. Together, we have spent 18 years in Africa building the largest HIV access program in the world, set up, operated, and scaled pharmacies that have dispensed over 25M+ prescriptions to patients across all 50 states in the US, and deployed consumer product experiences improving pharmacy access for millions of patient lives globally.

We believe deeply in the mission of safety net providers that provide care for our most vulnerable communities. In our experience, safety net clinics truly provide the complex, multi-faceted services their populations need to access healthcare — where so many challenges patients face are about the social determinants of health, from navigating complex economic barriers to care, to nutrition, transportation, language support, and behavioral health.

We got started in the early 2000s from the goodwill and support of a 340B STD Clinic in inner-city Indianapolis that actually helped launch the program in Africa where Susie and Peter met, lived, trained, and worked. And out of this goodwill, seeded HIV prevention & treatment services for over 18 million patient lives in western Kenya, and today across 4 countries and 3 continents.

We launched Alchemy because there is an urgent moment today impacting the American healthcare safety net. Almost overnight, the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) shifted the goalposts for how safety net providers access a critical source of program funding - resources these safety net providers rely on to sustain healthcare services for millions of Americans.

We’re on a mission to solve this for our covered entity partners and their patients. We’d love to hear from you, please drop us a line at hello@alchemyhealth.com.

Susie, Peter, and Sid

Our Founding Principles

Core Values

Defend Patient Choice

We are fierce defenders of patient choice. We will always fight to ensure patients get the care and medications they deserve.

Core Values

Protect the Safety Net

Our mission is to protect the safety net for providers that deliver care to our most vulnerable and underserved communities.

Core Values

Drive Clinical Innovation

Working beyond the 4 walls of the pharmacy, we deeply believe that clinical innovation drives superior patient outcomes and financial results.

Core Values

Fuel Shared Success

We win when our covered entity partners and their patients succeed. We as a team collectively embrace success and failure together.

Core Values

Embrace Ownership

We embrace our customer’s problems as our own and empower them to own their destiny by taking back control of their 340B program.

Core Values

Sustained Persistence

Healthcare is slow to change. We keep chipping away at root of the problem, striving to improve clinical outcomes and experience.

Defend Patient Choice

Protect the Safety Net

Drive Clinical Innovation

Fuel Shared Success

Embrace Ownership

Sustained Persistence

I've worked in the pharmacy industry for almost a decade now, and have seen how the friction in the pharmacy system negatively impacts patient outcomes. We are dedicated to improving this for vulnerable populations across the country, and in the process, we will protect the safety net for our covered entity partners. This will be our life's work.

Sid Viswanathan

Founder & Co-CEO

Our Leadership Team

Sid Viswanathan

Founder & Co-CEO

Peter Park

Founder & Co-CEO

Susie Crowe

Founder & Chief Pharmacist

Shilpa Lakshmana Raju


Life as an Alchemist

Live and work from anywhere and champion the mission of serving covered entities and their patients.