Beyond the Pharmacy Walls

Alchemy partners with you to reimagine what is truly possible with your in-house pharmacy and expand your reach well beyond the four walls of the clinic.

Seamless patient messaging icon


barriers to care

Maintain a compliant program icon

Reach new
patient population

Monitor your performance in real-time icon

Advance your public health mission

The Alchemy Clinical Platform





Advance the public health mission of your 340B program

We build programs that address all four steps in the FLTR Public Health Model: Find, Link, Treat and Retain.


Launch a mobile clinic and build community partnerships for targeted STD testing among high-risk populations.

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Overcome SDoH barriers to connect patients who need care to the Health Center.


Treat patients using established guidelines and leverage in-house pharmacy to ensure reliable access to medication.

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Automated text messages remind patients to pick up prescriptions, and smart-cap technology monitors medication adherence.

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We have Hepatitis C drugs in stock, but most other retail pharmacies they don't. For our patients, it's one stop and they’re done.

Marianne Ratliff

Equality Health Pharmacy

Impact Spotlight: 

Identifying Hepatitis C clusters with prevalence 20 times the national average

Alchemy and Equality Health Group in Oklahoma City partnered to implement a mobile clinic program to provide Hepatitis C (HCV) testing and disease awareness in the communities surrounding the clinic. Rather than general screening, the program focuses on targeted testing of People Who Inject Drugs (PWID), by meeting them where they are: at rehab centers, methadone clinics, or plasma centers throughout Oklahoma.

The results have been staggering. Nearly 20% of patients tested via the Mobile Clinic have been positive for HCV. This is 18 times the test positivity rate of in-clinic testing, which is in line with national prevalence rates. And while safety net clinics like Equality Health Group primarily reach women and minority communities, the mobile clinic is bringing in new patient populations - white, heterosexual men - most affected by the opioid epidemic.


HCV positivity rate


national average


patient adherence

Monitor patient impact

Alchemy integrates community-based patient data into your clinical and pharmacy workflows, so you can  track program impact, follow ups, and reporting requirements.

Daniel Hernandez

5 feet, 9 inches / 199.8 lbs


First Step

HCV test

04 / 06 / 2024


Appointment Pending

Phone Number


Monitor Patient Funnel

Map patient interactions and progress through the care pathway.

Track Patient Engagement

Actively monitor and engage patients to improve follow-up rates and ensure no patients slip through the cracks.

Streamline Patient Communication

Leverage targeted messaging to reduce patients lost to follow-up.

A new way to manage medication adherence

A bluetooth-enabled pill bottle cap powered by PatchRx tracks daily medication adherence for HIV and Hep C patients.

Let us help you expand beyond the walls of your pharmacy